Truck Accident Attorney Blog

I Was Hit By A Truck From Behind

Key Takeaways:

  1. Understanding Liability: Identifying all responsible parties, including truck drivers, trucking companies, and maintenance providers, is essential for establishing liability in truck accidents.
  2. Common Injuries: Rear-end truck accidents can result in a range of severe injuries, such as whiplash, spinal cord injuries, and traumatic brain injuries, necessitating immediate medical attention.
  3. Legal Representation: Securing experienced legal representation is crucial to navigating the complex regulations governing truck accidents and ensuring maximum compensation for damages and injuries.

The chance of being involved in a rear-end collision involving large commercial trucks is a significant risk we take every time we hit the road.

Unfortunately, these accidents account for a considerable portion of motor vehicle accidents.

Auto collisions can be disastrous when a commercial truck, like a tractor-trailer, is involved. 

If you've been struck from behind by such a behemoth, you may suffer catastrophic injuries like spinal cord injuries and traumatic brain injuries, as well as severe vehicle damage. 

Most victims of these severe rear-end crashes face not just physical injuries but also daunting financial burdens from medical expenses and vehicle repairs. 

That's why assistance from a truck accident lawyer is crucial after these unfortunate events.

The article below will serve as a guide on how to recover from such an unfortunate incident.


Table Of Contents


What Causes Most Semi-Truck Accidents?

Understanding the diverse factors leading to rear-end truck accidents is crucial for prevention and legal recourse. 

Here are the key contributors to these dangerous incidents on the roads:

  1. Distracted Driving: A leading cause of rear-end truck accidents is distracted driving, where truck drivers may be texting or using their cell phones, leading to a lack of attention to vehicles slowing down ahead.
  2. Impaired Driving: Drug use among truck drivers, sometimes to combat fatigue from long hours on the road, can impair reaction times. Mandatory drug tests are crucial but may not catch all instances of drug use before it leads to an accident.
  3. Inexperience: New truck drivers, despite having appropriate licenses and training, may struggle handling large commercial vehicles, increasing the likelihood of causing rear-end crashes.
  4. Vehicle Rollovers: Commercial trucks are prone to rollovers due to their height and weight, especially if drivers make sharp turns or stop abruptly.
  5. Blind Spot Crashes: The substantial blind spots of large trucks can obstruct a driver’s view, making it easy to collide with other vehicles during lane changes.
  6. Poor Vehicle Maintenance: Commercial trucks are frequently used, necessitating regular maintenance. Neglect, such as worn tires or faulty brakes, significantly raises the risk of catastrophic accidents.
  7. Improperly Loaded Cargo: Incorrectly secured or overloaded cargo can shift during transit, causing trucks to lose balance and potentially roll over.
  8. Tailgating: A truck driver following too closely can prevent them from stopping in time, leading to severe rear-end collisions if the vehicle in front stops suddenly.
  9. Speeding and Reckless Driving: Excessive speed reduces a truck’s stopping distance, making it difficult to stop quickly, thereby increasing the risk of rear-end collisions.
  10. Driver Fatigue: Non-compliance with Hours of Service regulations due to delivery pressures can lead to severe fatigue. This can diminish a driver's ability to operate a vehicle safely.
  11. External Conditions: Poor road conditions, defective vehicle components, inadequate lighting, and mechanical failures can also contribute to rear-end truck accidents. Without legal assistance, identifying these factors can be complex.

If you have been injured in a rear-end collision with a commercial truck, it is essential to consult experienced truck accident attorneys. 

After a truck accident, an experienced attorney can help you determine who was at fault and guide you through the claims process so you receive maximum compensation for medical expenses and other damages.

There are immediate steps to take after a rear end truck accident

Immediate Steps to Take After a Rear-End Collision with a Semi-Truck

If you've been rear-ended by a semi-truck, it's crucial to take specific steps immediately to protect your health and safety and strengthen your potential personal injury claim

First, move to a secure location away from traffic, if possible, to ensure your safety and that of any passengers. 

Call emergency services to report the accident, ensuring that police and medical teams are dispatched to the scene. 

This helps document the incident with a police report and addresses any urgent medical needs.

Next, if you can, gather as much evidence as possible. 

Take photos of the road conditions, your vehicle, the truck, and any visible injuries. 

Exchange information with the truck driver, including their name, contact details, insurance information, and the trucking company they represent.

Also, collect contact information from any witnesses, as their statements can be crucial.

Always avoid discussing fault or any details of the accident with other parties involved or insurance company representatives who may arrive at the scene. 

Your legal team should handle these conversations.

Lastly, even if you are lucky enough to feel fine, seek medical attention immediately to rule out any hidden injuries and provide a medical record of the event. 

Contacting a skilled truck accident lawyer can also guide you through the legal process to ensure you receive maximum compensation for your damages and injuries.

Who Is Liable In A Truck Accident?

Determining liability in rear-end truck accidents typically involves identifying multiple parties that may be responsible for the incident. 

If a commercial truck has rear-ended your car, motorcycle, or other vehicle, the truck driver and the trucking company could be liable. 

Liability might also extend to the maintenance company that serviced the truck or the manufacturers of any defective parts that contributed to the accident. 

Insurance companies typically presume the rear driver in such accidents to be at fault. 

However, situations vary, such as sudden stops or inadequate following distance maintained by the truck.

This is why the truck driver needs to observe safe driving practices. 

An experienced truck accident lawyer will thoroughly investigate the accident.

They will review driver logs, onboard recording devices, and the trucking company’s hiring, training, and drug testing policies to establish proof of liability. 

This comprehensive approach ensures that all responsible parties are held accountable, not just the driver.

Common Rear-End Accident Injuries

Rear-end truck accidents often result in a spectrum of injuries due to the significant forces involved when a larger vehicle strikes a smaller one from behind. 

Here is a detailed list of common injuries that victims may suffer in such collisions:

  • Whiplash: Rapid back and forth movement of the neck causing pain, restricted mobility, and neurological issues.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Potential for permanent damage affecting mobility or sensory functions.
  • Traumatic Brain Injuries: Often result in long-term cognitive, physical, and emotional impairments.
  • Neck Injuries: Including muscle strains, ligament sprains, and other soft tissue damage.
  • Back Injuries: Ranging from mild back strains to severe spinal disruptions.
  • Broken Bones: Common in the limbs, ribs, and pelvis due to the impact force.
  • Facial Trauma: Injuries to the face from the steering wheel, dashboard, or broken glass.
  • Crushed Limbs: Especially in severe collisions where parts of the vehicle crumple.
  • Significant Lacerations and Bruising: Caused by sharp or blunt trauma during the accident.
  • Emotional Trauma: Including anxiety, depression, and PTSD following the traumatic event.
  • Wrongful Death: In the most tragic cases, leading to fatal outcomes.

Immediate medical assessment and care are crucial for anyone involved in a rear-end truck accident to address these potential injuries.

Always hire a truck accident attorney

When To Hire a Truck Accident Attorney

Hiring a truck accident attorney is crucial when dealing with accidents involving semi-trucks, big rigs, or other commercial vehicles. 

These cases often involve complex layers of state and federal regulations and intricate details to establish liability. 

An experienced legal team can effectively manage the gathering and analysis of evidence, ensuring that all aspects of the trucking operations and accident dynamics are thoroughly evaluated. 

This is particularly important as truck accident cases can be complicated by factors like driver negligence, truck maintenance failures, and the specific road conditions at the time of the accident. 

Professional legal representation ensures that your rights are protected, providing you with much-needed support so you are not left to navigate the complex legal system alone. 

If you or a loved one has been involved in a rear-end truck accident, it’s essential not to presume fault is obvious.

Professional legal advice can make a significant difference in the outcome of your case.


Get the Help You Need After a Trucking Accident

Securing justice after a trucking accident is critical due to the severe and often life-altering consequences these collisions can entail. 

If you or someone close to you has suffered injuries in such an accident, it is essential to consult with the experienced truck accident attorneys at Helping The Hurt. 

They are experienced at navigating the complexities of truck accident claims to ensure you receive the full financial compensation you deserve for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering—not just the minimal amounts often proposed by insurance companies. 

Contact the personal injury lawyers at Helping The Hurt today for a free case review and take the first step towards securing the support you need for your recovery and future.

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