Car Accident Lawyer

Car Accident Attorney Albany, NY | Find Local Albany Auto Accident Law Firm


If you suffered minor or significant injuries as a result of a traffic collision and require the assistance of an expert car accident injury attorney, contact Helping the Hurt Personal Injury Lawyers in Albany, NY.

In the news: According to the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA), in 2020, there were an estimated 38,000 fatal motor vehicle accidents and an estimated 4.8 million injured accident victims.

The good news is that fatality rates have been dropping for the last decade, primarily due to safety improvements by auto manufacturers and advances in medical science. 

What makes us different: Our Albany car accident lawyers have lengthy track records of aiding injured victims in securing proper compensation for financial losses that have left them physically and financially disadvantaged.

We work hard to build your case by gathering evidence, conducting a thorough investigation of the accident scene, obtaining expert testimony, contacting witnesses, and assuring each client that their case is in the hands of a recognized and powerful litigation team.

We understand how difficult it would be to handle an accident lawsuit on your own. Our personal injury lawyers will take care of the insurance companies' complicated policies, perplexing paperwork, and any legal complications that occur in your case, so you can focus on getting better.

Throughout the personal injury claims procedure, we are on your side.

We will work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome and the largest possible compensation to cover unplanned expenses and medical costs.

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Need more specifics?

Use our table of contents below to find out what to do if you're in a car accident in Albany, NY.


Table of Contents

How To Choose a Car Accident Lawyer in Albany, NY

A talented automobile accident lawyer has a track record of success, strong communication skills, and substantial knowledge and experience.

They will be well-versed in all of the laws that apply to your case. They are well-prepared and have done extensive studies into previous case outcomes that are relevant to your accident claim.

A specialized vehicle accident lawyer will research and document all economic and non-economic damages, including medical expenses.

An effective lawyer will also have a reputation for keeping clients informed throughout the case, listening to their demands, and negotiating aggressively on their behalf.

Auto accident lawyers with experience know what methods to use to win cases.

What Do I Do After a Car Accident?

After an automobile collision, the first thing you should do is determine whether anyone requires medical attention. If you or anybody else involved in the accident has been injured, call 911 immediately once to request an ambulance.

Unless they're in immediate danger or you've been trained to do so, don't try to move someone who's hurt.

If you still have the ability to drive, you may need to move your vehicle to prevent obstructing traffic.

Otherwise, it's best to leave the accident scene alone until the cops arrive to fill out an accident report. It's important to remember that an accident report is a crucial piece of evidence in your case.

Inquire about obtaining a copy of the official police report as soon as the officers arrive. You might have to contact the police department for a copy of your crash report because it won't be ready for a few days.

Obtain the names and contact information of all participants and witnesses in the accident. Avoid discussing who was at fault by exchanging insurance and contact information with the other people involved in the crash. 

Be honest but do not say anything that could be construed as an admission of guilt. It's difficult to decide who is to blame for an accident, especially if you're not in the best state of mind.


Take photos of the accident area, as well as any visible injuries, vehicle or property damage.

Take pictures of tire tracks, key street signs, and traffic lights. Keep a disposable camera in your glove box if you don't have access to a smartphone.

Make a list of any details you remember about the accident, including the approximate time it happened, where it happened, and note whether weather or road conditions played a part in the impact.

Take the guidance of the on-scene paramedics. If you've been in an automobile accident, seek medical attention as quickly as possible.

Visit your primary care physician, the ER, or an urgent care facility.

Make sure your doctor is aware of all of your symptoms, from head to toe, even if they appear small (such as stiffness, headaches, or dull pain).

Internal injuries from automobile accidents can take a long time to show symptoms, so seeing a doctor is critical to your recovery. If your medical treatment provider isn't treating your injuries seriously, seek a second opinion.

If the accident has resulted in mental distress, speak with a medical practitioner about the emotional damage produced by the accident. This can include post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression, phobias, or substance misuse.

Notify your insurance agent of the collision as soon as possible, but do stick to the facts.

Don't bring up the negligent driver.

Finally, please get in touch with our Albany legal team right away. Having an expert automobile accident lawyer on your side early in the process will offer you the best chance of receiving fair compensation.

Do not try to handle the insurance companies or the at-fault driver on your own

Typical Causes of Car Accidents

The number of distracted drivers has been increasing in recent years, as the usage of technology has increased.

If this is the situation you've found yourself in the key to winning your Albany automobile accident injury lawsuit may be in identifying and establishing distracted driving.

Bear the following in mind when dealing with the negligent party.

Was the other driver:

  • Talking on the phone
  • Texting while driving
  • Attempting to program a GPS
  • Using the car's radio
  • Checking other digital devices
  • Reading
  • Applying makeup
  • Eating or drinking while driving
  • Shaving

Additionally, there is a possibility that the at-fault motorist was inebriated. Drunk driving or driving while impaired by drugs is potentially a felony offense in New York.

The most recent data by the NHTSA was from 2019 when more than 10,000 people lost their lives to drunk drivers. These fatal car accidents could have been prevented.

If you suspect the driver who struck you was intoxicated, avoid escalating the situation. Call the police immediately to deal with the negligent party.

If you are injured in a traffic collision and believe a distracted driver caused it, our Albany injury attorneys can start an investigation into the crash to identify the signs of negligent behavior. 

What Are You Compensated for in a Car Accident?

Depending on the facts of your accident, your compensation may include:

  • Pain and Suffering
  • Quality of Life
  • Lost Wages
  • Medical Expenses
  • Property Damages


Not only can traffic accidents cause serious or permanent injury, but they are also very stressful, both physically and mentally.

Having a personal injury lawyer in Albany who specializes in traffic accident injuries assist you during this difficult time will make the process of loss recovery much easier.

A number of injuries can occur as a result of accidents. Injury, discomfort, and medical bills can all add to your stress level, delaying your recovery.

Medical bills, automobile repairs, time off work, and other expenses are common after a traffic accident. The last thing on your mind should be how to pay for legal assistance.

We won't take your case unless we think you have a good case, and we won't get paid unless you win. This means you will not be charged anything until your case is settled fairly.

Most Common Car Accident Injuries

If you are injured in a traffic collision and believe a distracted driver caused it, our Albany injury attorneys can start an investigation into the crash to identify the signs of negligent behavior. 

Car Crash Injuries

Concussions or Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI):  These are brain injuries that occur as a result of a blow to the head, causing the brain to enlarge.

Minor concussions can typically be managed with rest and over-the-counter pain medication. A severe brain injury may necessitate surgery and, in the worst-case scenario, may end in permanent disability or death. Please keep in mind that concussion and traumatic brain injury symptoms do not always manifest immediately. The enlargement in the brain may take an hour or longer to manifest.

Spine, Back, and Neck Injuries (Including Whiplash):  These are the most common injuries sustained in automobile accidents. Strains to ligaments, muscles, and tendons, may be classified as a "soft tissue injury," which is notoriously difficult to show.

These common injuries typically require further physical therapy treatment. This category also includes severe spinal cord injuries, which frequently result in paralysis.

Lacerations (Cuts):  These injuries may occur as a result of smashed glass or damaged sheet metal on the car.

Deep or severe cuts might result in blood loss and put the motorist in shock. Scarring is also a possibility, and a patient may require consultation with a plastic surgeon to correct this type of injury.

Burn Injuries:  Severe burns can be extremely dangerous and may expose the person to infection. Burns can result in disfigurement, impairing the injured person's quality of life.

Broken Bones:  Breaks are a common occurrence in terrible accidents. Surgery to restore the damage may be necessary, and the injured person may require weeks or months of physical rehabilitation.

Internal Injuries:  Anything internal can be lethal but is not always visible. It is always best to get checked out by an emergency room team following a serious accident.

How To Evaluate Damages After a Car Accident in Albany

To determine which fees will be reimbursed, your Albany attorney will need important details about your injuries and accident-related charges, such as pain and suffering, lost wages, medical expenses, towing services, rental automobiles, and property damage.

A "gap in treatment," as it is often referred to, is one of the most crippling elements of any personal injury claim.

This occurs when an individual chooses to postpone seeking medical treatment for accident-related injuries or fails to appear for scheduled doctor visits.

It is critical to seek medical attention quickly following your accident, even if you believe your injuries are minimal. Waiting weeks or even days might have a significant impact on the outcome of your automobile accident claim.

Without comprehensive medical records and consistent treatment history, you will have little or no proof to support and prove your injuries.

Filing A Car Accident Compensation Claim

Your injury accident lawyer will review the information obtained during the investigation process to file a lawsuit.

Your personal injury lawyer will include the following in your accident injury claim:

  • Negligent Behavior
  • Injuries
  • Damages
  • Maximum Compensation Request

Your attorney will leverage your claim to obtain fair compensation for your damages. Your attorney is responsible for negotiating a settlement on your behalf while also preparing your case for trial.

Your case will proceed to trial only if settlement efforts with the at-fault party fail. The judge or jury will assess the amount of compensation you should receive.

If you have been injured in a motor vehicle accident, it is critical to remember that you should communicate with and provide information to your auto accident attorney exclusively.

Making incorrect remarks or comments to the wrong party may jeopardize your pursuit of compensation in a personal injury claim.

Connect With the Best Personal Injury Attorneys in Albany, New York

We have a team of committed attorneys who will help you receive the compensation you deserve for your car accident injury case. You should never have to handle a legal case alone. 


Our experienced personal injury attorneys are here to help you maximize the value of your compensation claim so you can focus on healing. If you or a loved one requires assistance following an automobile accident, contact an experienced auto accident attorney to handle your case.

Please click the button below for a free case review with one of our skilled car accident lawyers in Albany, New York.

Free, No-Obligation Consultation

Frequently Asked Questions About Car Accidents in Albany, New York

How Do Albany Car Accident Lawyers Handle a Case?

Negligence can be defined as an individual's or entity's failure to adhere to the accepted standard of behavior, which includes paying attention when operating a motor vehicle and protecting the safety of others.

The strength of your vehicle accident injury case is contingent upon your attorney's ability to collect and present evidence demonstrating the other party's dangerous driving and, thus, their liability for the resulting damages and injuries.

What Will I Be Compensated for After a Car Accident in New York?

If you were in a no-fault car accident, the liable party may compensate you for economic, non-economic, and punitive damages.:

These include the following:

  • Physical Pain and Suffering
  • Mental Anguish
  • Property Damage
  • Loss of Consortium
  • Lost Wages
  • Medical Expenses

What Happens if the At-Fault Party Doesn't Have Car Insurance?

If the at-fault motorist does not have auto liability insurance, you can make an insurance claim with your auto insurance company or sue the reckless driver, however, it may not be worth your time or money.

While it's reassuring to know that the majority of drivers have auto insurance, we cannot always rely on others to be insured, which is why understanding your options in the event of an accident is important.

It is essential to have auto insurance coverage for uninsured and underinsured motorists. If you have this coverage, you will be compensated if your vehicle is damaged or if you are injured. Do not wait to make a claim for an auto accident caused by an uninsured or underinsured motorist.

If the at-fault driver is uninsured or underinsured, proceed with your personal injury claim as usual. Consult a physician, if you haven't already. Certain injuries may not emerge for several days.

Your insurance company will almost undoubtedly need proof of your injuries, medical care, and vehicle damage. If you suspect your insurance company is undervaluing your claim, you should speak with an experienced accident attorney who has dealt with insurance companies in the past and is prepared to battle if necessary.

When the other motorist lacks auto insurance, injured drivers should not be concerned about obtaining compensation.

Due to the fact that you will be unable to acquire their insurance information, take a photograph of their license plate and driver's license.

A police report should be submitted with vital information on the at-fault motorist. You should not be responsible for the at-fault driver's lack of insurance because it is not your fault.

Additionally, contact your insurance provider and an accident injury lawyer. If the other driver does not have appropriate coverage, your insurance company will be responsible for the claim.

What Do I Do if an Insurance Company Contacts Me?

Take no action. If an insurance company contacts you, do not respond with information about your case. This is the responsibility of your attorney.

Both insurance companies will very certainly contact you to obtain information on your accident. This can be used against you to lessen the amount of your settlement, depending on what you say.

While you may eventually need to speak with an insurance adjuster, you should always consult with an experienced automobile accident lawyer first.

They will clarify what you can and cannot say to the insurance company in order to protect the value of your case.

How Long Will It Take To Get My Car Accident Settlement?

The time required to resolve a case in Albany is conditional.

To begin, contact an accident lawyer immediately following your accident to initiate their investigation.

Second, the degree of your injuries and the occurrence may have an effect on the length of time your case takes. Insurance companies want the wounded person to complete their treatment before settling so that all medical expenses may be appraised.

Finally, it is contingent upon the magnitude of the settlement and the availability of a court date (if you cannot settle in mediation). If you want to resolve your case quickly, your lawyer will advise you to accept a lower payment. If you seek a larger settlement, the procedure will take longer and you may end up going to trial.

How Much Does a Car Accident Attorney Cost?

If you were injured in an automobile accident in Albany, New York, you should retain the services of a personal injury attorney.

A personal injury attorney's primary objective is to aid accident victims. A personal injury lawyer's objective is to obtain the financial compensation you are entitled to if you were injured in an accident caused by another's negligence.

Fortunately, many attorneys work on a contingency fee basis. This means you will not be required to pay any upfront legal fees, and your lawyer will be compensated on a contingency basis from your eventual compensation.