Over one millio
n people suffer from Slip and Fall Injuries every year. Whether your unintentional accident happened due to a slippery surface on someone else's property, an unsafe job site while you were working, or even because of a cluttered walkway at the grocery store, Georgia has a law requiring all home and business owners to be responsible for their property.
This means all property owners must maintain their property, making necessary repairs to anything that could potentially cause a slip and fall accident to occur. If you were injured due to someone else's negligence, then you may have grounds to file a lawsuit against that property owner
What Causes Most Slip and Fall Accidents in Georgia?
- Icy, Slick, or Wet Walkways
- Although Atlanta doesn't get much snow, ice storms can cause chaotic walking conditions so remember always to be prepared. If dangerous weather conditions do occur make sure to shovel your sidewalks and driveway and even put salt down to melt any ice and prevent any from developing. Placing a non-slip mat in the entry of your home will also prevent falls within your home while simultaneously keeping your floors clean!
- Unsafe Work Environment
- Jobs prone to high injury rates, like construction, often require extensive training. Workers often operate dangerous machinery and walk on high and narrow surfaces. Disregarding safety regulations can easily result in a slip and fall injury, if not worse.
- Neglect of the Elderly
- Elderly people are the most common victims of slip and fall injuries because their center of balance is deteriorating. It is common for them to suffer a fall when they are not adequately assisted. Another common place for falls is in the shower; the wet bathtub results in many slip and fall accidents.
The majority of Slip and Fall Cases stem from hazardous walkways. Poorly lit, cracked, or uneven sidewalks and cluttered or blocked aisles and hallways. These dangerous surface areas can make even walking a dangerous task.
What Are The Most Common Slip and Fall Injuries Suffered?
- Knee, Ankle, or Wrist Sprains and Fractures
- Back and Spine Injuries
- Shoulder Dislocation
- Head Injury and Concussion
- Hip Fractures
If you ha
ve suffered an injury from a slip and fall accident in Atlanta, Georgia, and you believe a home or business owner was negligent in maintaining their property, then you may be entitled to compensation.
Slip and Fall Injury cases are hard to handle on your own. Our Georgia Injury Litigation Office help you file a claim against a negligent premise owner, and fight for the compensation you deserve for your injuries.
Call our Atlanta Personal Injury Attorneys today if you need help or click on the link below for a free case review.