Filling a Personal Injury Lawsuit
To win a personal injury lawsuit, you have to prove that the other parties actions or inaction's caused you to suffer harm.
The fact that accidents are common and unavoidable does not detract from the pain and confusion inflicted on you or your loved ones after experiencing an injury accident. To support your liability in a personal injury claim, here are some tips to help: Seek Professional Medical Treatment- First and foremost, if you are injured in any way shape or form, always take care of your health before any legal actions are pursued. Keep all documents and medical records pertaining to your injuries.
Medical records are the key to establishing the extent of your injuries-and subsequently the amount of compensation you are going to demand. Without proof of the medical suffering endured, asking for a monetary value in your injury claim will be challenging on your claim.
Be honest and consistent with your health history- Make sure you are clear and detailed when describing your present injuries and past medical history. Along with a full description of your accident injury be consistent from one doctor to the next, and always be truthful when explaining your symptoms.
Be descriptive with your injuries- When communicating your symptoms to your health care provider don’t just say that you are experiencing pain, use words such as dull, achy pain, sharp pain with numbness and tingling.
The better you can describe your pain, the more helpful you will be to your doctor when diagnosing your condition. Again, the more robust and accountable the details of your claim the higher your chances of a winning settlement.
Collect Physical evidence- Proving, who was at fault for an accident or showing the extent of your injuries, is sometimes demonstrated by something you can see or touch-“physically, “rather than a description of what happened. Examples include a worn or broken staircase that caused a fall, the dent in a car, or torn and bloodied clothing.
Make sure you preserve all physical evidence within the first few days of an accident. Time gaps in your claim can risk evidence being lost, modified by time or weather, destroyed, or repaired.
If Possible, Take Photographs- Regular photos are better than Polaroids. Not only do they provide better lighting but the depth of detail is enhanced. It will also be easier for you to provide copies to the insurance companies when you are able to hold onto the negatives or original digital prints. Another advantage, this day and age, most people carry cell phones that contain quality built-in cameras, and are easily accessible.
Taking pictures with a cell phone is a great way to gather evidence
- Take a number of photos from different angles
- Take the photos as soon as possible to show immediate evidence after an accident
- Record the date the photos were taken
- Ask a friend both to watch you take the photos and to write a short note confirming the dates
- Go back and take photos if the accident occurred in a public place, if the area is blocked off go to who is in charge and request permission document your photos
- Lastly record all and every detail as far as possible
Returning to the scene of the accident- If you were involved in an accident somewhere other than your home, go back to the scene and collect additional photographs or evidence that contributed to your accident. You may be surprised what you find when returning to the accident scene, e.g. a worn or torn spot in which you fell or a traffic light that isn’t working.
If you happen to come across additional witnesses that may have seen the accident or know of similar accidents that occurred in the same spot, politely ask them to document an injury statement.
Call the police when involved in a vehicle crash- It’s important to get the cops involved whenever there is damage or injuries in a car collision. Many times police reports are used when determining liability for the fault of an accident and provides as an additional source when negotiating settlements.
In order to protect your rights and file a personal injury claim within the legal time deadline you must act fast and contact an accident injury attorney. Collecting evidence, documenting medical treatment, and gathering witnesses will help construct a solid lawsuit and prove the other parties negligence.
Trust our Georgia Personal Injury accident lawyers we will aggressively fight for your rights and negotiate a deserved settlement, please contact our legal team before it's too late!